
Getting In: Improving consumer-friendly enrollment in Arkansas

The consumer enrollment experience provides an
important perspective for improving eligibility
determination and successful enrollment in coming
years. Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
(AACF) worked with three in-person assister
(IPA) sites across Arkansas to collect data reported
voluntarily by consumers and assisters to inform
improvements to the consumer experience. The
results of 823 consumer surveys and a focus group
with assisters show that the vast majority (92 percent)
of consumers who met with in-person assisters
were able to get the information they needed about
health coverage eligibility. However, barriers to full
enrollment were as follows:
• Technological issues were the biggest barrier
to completing enrollment, including system
freezes, data transfers between Healthcare.gov
and the state system, or having to return at
a later date to complete Private Option plan
• Families in complex situations, immigrants,
or those with little credit history had more
trouble completing an enrollment through
one visit.