
Another chance to promote affordable health care.

The House of Representatives voted today to repeal the Affordable Care Act of 2010 – despite the law being approved by a majority of both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the President in 2010.  While the Senate has promised to end this bit of political theater and defeat repeal, this does offer a chance again to point out the immense good done by the Affordable Care Act.  Today the House voted to deny you of these groundbreaking policy changes.

Take a chance today to consider these benefits provided to Arkansans thanks to ACA:

  1. Insurance Coverage for Young Adults
  2. Free Preventive Care to America’s Seniors
  3. The End of Pre-Existing Conditions Denial
  4. More Affordable Prescription Drugs
  5. Tax Credits for Small Businesses to Buy Coverage for Their Employees

Check out our partners at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to learn more about each of these benefits.

Unfortunately all four of Arkansas’s Congressmen voted today to take away all of these benefits and many, many more.  This is a time for our leaders in Congress to look forward and solve real problems facing Arkansans, not the time to take away programs that make us healthier.  Let’s move forward and focus on bringing jobs to Arkansas, not taking away health care.