
Understanding state budgets key to the Christian mission

Our state budget outreach director, Pat Bodenhamer, is also a United Methodist pastor. Her work for AACF carries her around the state, often speaking to religious groups about the importance of understanding our tax system as a way to better help low-income families. She co-authored this essay on the topic on ethicsdaily.com with the Rev. Stephen Copley, also a United Methodist pastor and chairman of the Arkansas Interfaith Alliance.

An excerpt:

“Arkansas must invest more in its people and infrastructure in order for all to thrive in the 21st century. Far too many of our neighbors live in poverty, lack the skills to move up in the workforce and are not able to adequately support their families.

Instead of stepping on the backs of working families, we need to find ways to work together and provide stepping stones for families to step up out of poverty. By understanding and becoming involved in the work of tax reform, we can help take the first step.”