
Remember Arkansas Children as You Celebrate the Harvest

It’s easy to get caught up in all the to-do’s that lead up to Thanksgiving. Thaw out the turkey? Got enough cranberry sauce? Iron the linen tablecloth?

While we are with friends and family this Thanksgiving, let’s remember the children in Arkansas that will go hungry this holiday. The latest data from Feeding America shows that one in four children in our state deal with food insecurity (not having sufficient, safe, and nutritious access to food to maintain a healthy lifestyle).  This ranks Arkansas first in the nation for food insecure children.

There is important legislation happening now that would take a step toward ending child hunger and obesity. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S.3307) was passed by the U.S. Senate and is now in the House. This act would:

  • Improve and expand school breakfast programs to make sure all children have access to the most important meal of the day.
  • Improve the nutritional quality of the 8 billion school meals serve each year.
  • Allow afterschool programs to provide suppers in all 50 states.
  • Strengthen the summer food program to make sure no child goes hungry just because school is out for summer.

We need your help to get the message to Congress that the time to help feed hungry children is now. You can help by contacting your Representative, urging him to pass the child nutrition bill this year.