
Call Your Legislator Today to Support Funding for Quality Pre-K!

The evidence is overwhelming: Pre-K works! Arkansas’s state-funded pre-K program, Arkansas Better Chance, gives our littlest learners a strong start. It promotes early literacy, helps kids to read at grade level by the third grade, teaches important social skills, closes the achievement gap, provides professional development opportunities for staff, and provides valuable support to working families.

But quality costs – and ABC hasn’t had an increase in funding in 9 years with the exception of a one-time allocation of $1.5 million last year – the equivalent of $62 per child for the year. Without an increase, and with costs of running individual programs continuing to rise, it is likely that services will have to be cut. Now is the time – our legislators need to hear from YOU!

Click here to call them TODAY and tell them we need a funding increase!